School Boards Matter
- Greater focus on and accountability for improving student academic proficiency in English, math, and history/civics (founding principles). This is the most important of the priorities.
- Ensure schools embrace commonsense policies to create safe, positive learning environments for students and teachers. New approaches are required to teach disrespectful, disruptive students the proper behavior.
- Stronger engagement, involvement, and transparency with parents with respect to the education of their children. This includes a parent commitment to be engaged and a school commitment to help the parent do that.
- A consistent approach to fiscal transparency and better allocation of funds that enable greater flexibility and focus on delivering high quality education for every student.
Visit the C4DS You Tube channel to learn more about these issues
School Board Engagement
What’s one way to make a positive impact in your community a couple of hours a month?
Show up to school board meetings in your district. You can do it in person or virtually (if available). Speak up for parents and students, suggest future agenda items you aren’t hearing them discuss, tell a story about what you hear going on in schools, or bring new viewpoints or ideas to them.
Click on First State Educate’s SCHOOL BOARD/CHARTER SCHOOL LISTINGS to find out when your local school board meets and what’s on the agenda.
If you attend and hear something interesting, let Citizens for Delaware Schools know. We’ll get the word out as a public service.

School Board Candidates for 2025
The list below lists all the candidates who have filed to run for school board in 2025. Filing deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7.
After that, we will be asking all candidates we are able to contact to complete a survey. Their verbatim responses will be available below.
Candidates who submit a survey will be highlighted in orange The orange highlight does not indicate any endorsement. If some candidates respond to other surveys but not ours, we’ll include links to those sites as well. Those who are unopposed do not face an election. It is our hope that they also respond to our survey so you know their views.
Never before has your vote in a school board election been so important. Inform yourself and then vote wisely. Our kids deserve your support.

If only one candidate runs for a seat, then that candidate will be awarded the uncontested seat. If no one runs, then the Board will appoint someone to hold that seat.
Find School Board Elections Info about polling locations, district info, absentee voting, etc.
Citizens for Delaware Schools will ask every candidate to complete a survey about key education issues for their district so voters have transparency into how that candidate will govern. We make every attempt to contact every candidate, even those who have no competitors. However, a number of candidates did not provide any contact information to enable anyone to ask them questions.
Your School Board Candidates for 2025
New Castle County
- Chuck Boyce
- Sandhya Celestin-Brown
- Tim Higgins
- Brady D. Sieglen
District A
- Janiene Campbell
- Shannon Troncoso
District B
- Devin Hyson
- Martin A. Wilson
District G – Beth Twardus
- Justine L. Flint
- Charlotte Middleton
- Aaron Weisenberger
District A
- Alexander Najemy
- Kenyon O. Wilson
District B
- Brian Jordan
- Karen M. Hartley-Nagle
- Jeremy Moore
District E
- Frank Livoy
- Tracy Todd Woodson
District B – Christine L. Smith
District C (2-year term)
- Phila M. Breeding
- Shana Payne
District D – Christopher Piecuch Sr.
Kent County
- Dr. Joyce Denman
- Amy Spampinato
- Darrell Hughes
- James L. Rau
At-Large ( 2 seats)
- Jordan Davis
- Donna Johnson Geist
- Mozella Richardson Kamara
- Vickie Pendleton
At-Large – Yanelle Powell
Sussex County
District B – Jason Bradley
District C
- Andy Lewis
- Patty Maull
- Laura Parsons
- William (Bill) Collick
- Chris Lovenguth
District 1 (2 seats)
- Lisa Hudson Briggs
- Kelly Kline
- Dereck Booth
District 2 – Jerry Peden Jr.
District 4 – Michelle Parsons
At-Large – Dr. Jeffrey Benson, Jr.
At-Large – Raymond Vincent
At-Large – Jana Pugh
At-Large (2 seats)
- Timothy Banks
- LaToya S. Harris
- Moraima Reardon